Divined's Journal Entry - June 3, 1983


As I sit here today and ponder recent events, memories flood back from a time when everything in my family seemed to be going exceptionally well. Each member was thriving in their own way, and we were genuinely happy. However, a sudden shift in our fortune cast a dark shadow on our previously blissful existence. We lost a beloved family member, creating an irreplaceable void in our hearts. Grief consumed us, and to make matters worse, another family member vanished without a trace, leaving us uncertain and afraid.


As we struggled through this difficult time, we discovered that there was a traitor among us, someone we had trusted deeply. This betrayal shattered the trust we had built over the years, and suspicion and doubt crept into our interactions. Our main priority was to find the truth. Our investigator tirelessly delved into the mystery, determined to uncover the identity of the perpetrator responsible for our pain.


Currently, I am in a state of ambiguity, unsure of who could commit such heinous acts against our family. However, we hold onto the hope that justice will eventually prevail, and our investigator's diligence provides a glimmer of hope. Until then, we must support one another and trust that the answers we seek will eventually be revealed, bringing solace to our wounded souls.



